
105  / mes

105€/month with no coursework submissions.

Suitable for those who are confident about their level of English, perhaps have plenty of experience studying the opos before, and wish to practise new techniques, focus on specific areas and learn about the new laws.


  1. Full access to the platform
  2. Course videos and materials
  3. Email and forum contact
  4. Monthly live sessions


Please contact Candy at to request a place on the course beginning in June or September. Do not proceed to payment until confirmation has been received, as Let’s Pass the Opos is only able to take on a small amount of new students each year.

Please think carefully about the option you prefer. For Option 3, you will only be able to choose to switch down at the end of each term. If you choose Option 2, you will not be able to switch down, but you could switch up later in the year depending on availability. If you choose Option 1, switching up later in the year will depend on availability, which cannot be guaranteed.

There are no registration fees, but you’ll need to pay the invoice for September as soon as you’re offered a place, in order to formalise enrolment and guarantee your spot on the course. This payment is non-refundable as a sign of your commitment to begin the course. After that, payment will need to be made monthly in the last week of the previous month. For example, the October payment will be due during the last week of September.


Depending on the marking option you choose, you can either submit two or four pieces of work per month.

On each of the set deadlines, students will be able to submit one of the following:

  • Topic essays (6-8 pages, Arial 12) for linguistic corrections and full feedback
  • Syllabus or unit content (up to 6 pages, Arial 12) for linguistic/structural corrections
  • Written compositions (up to 6 pages, Arial 12) for linguistic/structural corrections
  • Speaking – topic reading or other (up to 10 minutes audio or video) for oral feedback

Your corrected work will be returned to you with corrections and comments, via the platform, within two weeks.

Furthermore, every candidate with coursework submissions will receive an additional full content correction of their syllabus and/or teaching unit once it is complete.

DATES 2024 – 2025

The course will begin in June or September 2024. At the beginning of the year, you will be given the course calendar which details exactly what we’ll be studying every week. The course lasts until the end of June, with continued support during the exam period at the start of July and free access to the platform in July and August.